Hey friends! Today we’re taking a look at Amir Haddad’s song "On dirait" with the full lyrics and English translation. We’ve also added the original video so that you can read, listen, and start practicing while singing along. To enhance your experience even further, we’ve provided the meanings of key words and phrases below so you can fully understand the emotions behind the song. Enjoy singing along and discovering the deeper meaning of this beautiful track!
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Lyrics Translation
Tu me dis de regarder la vie en couleur
You tell me to look at life in color
Quand il fait noir autour de moi
When it's dark around me
Sur le dos j'ai trainé pas mal de douleurs
On my back I suffered a lot of pain
Toi tu me portais à bout de bras
You carried me at arm's length
Non, non, non
No, no, no
Je n'ai pas toujours été sûr de moi
I wasn't always sure of myself
J'ai douté tellement de fois
I doubted so many times
Non, non, non
No, no, no
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferai sans toi
I don't know what I'll do without you
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
On dirait, qu'on a tous un ange
It seems like we all have an angel
On dirait, on dirait bien que c'est toi
It looks like, it looks like it's you
On dirait, que dans ce monde étrange
It seems that in this strange world
On dirait, que t'as toujours été là
It seems like you've always been there
Tu me dis que mon rêve est juste à côté
You tell me my dream is right next door
Que j'ai juste à tendre la main
That I just have to reach out
Toute ma vie j'peux la passer à t'écouter
I can spend my whole life listening to you
La douceur est ton seul refrain
Gentleness is your only refrain
Non, non, non
No, no, no
Ce n'est pas toujours facile pour moi
It's not always easy for me
J'ai prié tellement de fois
I prayed so many times
Non, non, non
No, no, no
Je ne sais pas ce que je ferai sans toi
I don't know what I'll do without you
Oh yeah
Oh yeah
On dirait, qu'on a tous un ange
It seems like we all have an angel
On dirait, on dirait bien que c'est toi
It looks like, it looks like it's you
On dirait, que dans ce monde étrange
It seems that in this strange world
On dirait, que t'as toujours été là
It seems like you've always been there
Tout, tout, tourne autour de toi
Everything, everything, revolves around you
Toi, t'es la seule qui voit
You are the only one who sees
La beauté bien cachée derrière les visages
The beauty hidden behind faces
Tout, tout, tourne autour de toi
Everything, everything, revolves around you
Toi, tu sais lire en moi
You know how to read me
Promets-moi de n'jamais tourner la page
Promise me you'll never turn the page
On dirait, qu'on a tous un ange
It seems like we all have an angel
On dirait, on dirait bien que c'est toi
It looks like, it looks like it's you
On dirait, que dans ce monde étrange
It seems that in this strange world
On dirait, que t'as toujours été là
It seems like you've always been there
Difficult French Words and Their Meanings:
French Word/Phrase
English Meaning
French Word/Phrase
English Meaning
to look or watch
black or dark
to reach out
pains or aches
to listen
à bout de bras
at arm's length
to turn
will do (future tense of "faire")
Watch Original Video & Sing Together
Be sure to keep visiting us here, as we’ll have a new song for you every day!
Hey friends! Today, we explored Amir Haddad’s song "On dirait," complete with the full lyrics and English translation. We’ve also included the original video so you can read, listen, and practice while singing along. To enrich your experience even further, we’ve provided the meanings of key words and phrases above, helping you fully grasp the emotions conveyed in the song. Enjoy singing along and discovering the deeper meaning behind this beautiful track!
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