"Durante el verano, María nadaba en la piscina cada tarde mientras su amigo leía un libro bajo un árbol. Un día, cuando llegaron al club, vieron que el agua estaba fría. Decidieron tomar un café antes de volver a casa, contentos de haber pasado un rato agradable."
- Durante el verano - During the summer.
- María nadaba en la piscina - María was swimming in the pool.
- su amigo leía un libro bajo un árbol - Her friend was reading a book under a tree.
- vieron que el agua estaba fría - They saw that the water was cold.
- Decidieron tomar un café - They decided to have a coffee.
Verbs and Their Groups:
- Nadaba - Nadar (to swim) - -AR verb, Imperfecto de Indicativo (Imperfect Indicative)
- Leía - Leer (to read) - -ER verb, Imperfecto de Indicativo (Imperfect Indicative)
- Llegaron - Llegar (to arrive) - -AR verb, Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Simple Past)
- Vieron - Ver (to see) - -ER verb, Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Simple Past)
- Decidieron - Decidir (to decide) - -IR verb, Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Simple Past)
Grammar and Tense Usage:
- Imperfecto de Indicativo: Describes ongoing or habitual actions in the past. For example, "nadaba" and "leía" indicate actions that were happening regularly or continuously in the past.
- Pretérito Perfecto Simple: Used for actions that were completed at a specific moment in the past. For example, "llegaron," "vieron," and "decidieron" refer to actions completed at particular times.
English Translation:
"During the summer, María was swimming in the pool every afternoon while her friend was reading a book under a tree. One day, when they arrived at the club, they saw that the water was cold. They decided to have a coffee before returning home, happy to have spent a pleasant time."